Specially crafted bag for your personality

Bahan premium kulit sintetis, kain import, kain ecoprint

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Know us more

Almetta means pearl in Nordic, but in Latin American means ambitious, thus even in difficult and painful situation we have strong desire to success. Founded since 2021 in the middle of covid pandemic, we started to make bags for young adult women, however by the end of 2021 we decided to use eco-printed and natural product as our main material.

While the earth has so many beautiful and natural resources, chemical and unsustainable production of fashion has been number one pollution in the world. Creating sustainable fashion lifestyle become our vision to save the earth and preserve nature for the next generation.

Words from The Designer

Tortor etiam imperdiet aliquet senectus habitant pellentesque maximus neque quis fames egestas eleifend sem Dui dignissim aliquam scelerisque

Pretium sed diam eleifend volutpat sociosqu faucibus accumsan ipsum curabitur ornare imperdiet arcu urna dapibus.

Nascetur commodo at et parturient fermentum Consectetur tristique quis platea nisl ridiculus sodales torquent lacinia erat sit fusce porta sagittis Integer fringilla pretium

- Fransisca Yuliana

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